
Brainspotting, what is it?

A relative to EMDR therapy, Brainspotting (BSP) is a neurobiological tool discovered and proven to decrease and sometimes eliminate the severity of emotional and physical distress one experiences from reactions related to a traumatic event witnessed or lived through, also known as a “trigger”. Brainspotting is ideal for targeting trauma contributing to recurrent and underlying anxiety, depression, and dissociative symptoms. Brainspotting locates points in the client’s visual field that help to access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain. “Where you look affects how you feel.” It is the brain activity, especially in the subcortical brain that organizes itself around that eye position. (Click heading link for video description).

Is this for me?…

To be a candidate for brainspotting you do not have to have a pre-requisite of years of talk therapy under your belt. In fact, brainspotting can be the first and only approach we agree upon together if this is the direction that seems the most comfortable for you.

What is it like?…

I like to describe the experience as an opportunity to walk into a space where you are surrounded by many doors. In this space you will have full control of what door we open or even focus on all together. During the process of selecting which door we venture, you are comfortably seated or lying down in your original space the whole time. Once you decide what threshold, you want to venture, we will go as deep or as surface level as you desire to begin to piece together the contents of the room as it organically flows through illustrating a narrative that has been locked away for so long. A narrative that most likely has no voice or even logical purpose on your current journey. Yet, what lies beneath has robbed you of so many significant moments it is almost as if it is demanding to be acknowledged as the main character or plot outside of your current understanding of who you are entirely.

Does this sound familiar? Are you ever plagued so severely by something outside of your control you feel like you are being transplanted into another place in time entirely? This mental stimulus that influences painful memories to spontaneously take over your conscious functioning all together can be relinquished of its control over you.

Unhinging the torment

This therapy approach can release you from the invisible chains completely. The reality of the memory will obviously not disappear, and you will not forget details of the experience. Nevertheless, you will no longer be emotionally and physically imprisoned to relive the unconscious reminders with zero control over how long or how often you are thrown into the recall.

Are you ready?…

To CHOOSE your door? Haven’t these debilitating symptoms stripped you of enough already? Then let’s stop the cycle NOW, so you can get on with living every MOMENT of this life you have left! Please call today! (316) 617-2694.